Get an access to verified & active
customers looking for manufacturers.
Join 1000+ businesses and explore
opportunities worth 10 Cr+
FactoryGrid is a breakthrough in connecting you with verified and trusted manufacturers and making your manufacturing orders hassle-free.
Get access to verified and genuine customers & queries
Manage quotations and project with ease on a single dashboard
Easy access to support services for logistics,design and many more
Monitor the predictions for Price and Market trends
Don't miss out on 500+ enquiries floated daily and 100+ orders awarded daily

How It Works

an account
Setup your account in couple
of mins with your basic information
List your
expertise & offerings
List your product portfolio
and expertise to start receiving orders
your quotes
Send quotes with your best
offerings to the interested customers
Manage Project
on Dashboard
Manage on-going orders
& quotes through a central dashboard
Deliver & Get
Paid Instantly
Instant payments on the order fulfilment
with no 60-90 days credit anymore

1 Lakh+
Suppliers are selling
commission free
Pincodes supported
for delivery
Crores of
Customers buy
across India
to sell
Don't hold Back get started with
FactoryGrid Today!

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Face Mask
Paracetamol Liquid
Face Mask